
All about Astilbe

Interview in Floral Fundamentals magazine

On the 1st of June Floral Fundamentals released its new issue, covering the summer season. The magazine also contains an interview with Rutgrink Holland as a Floral Fundamentals grower. Editor Sue Phillips: ‘Rutgrink Holland have recently rebranded and their flowers are just that, Lovely Astilbe!’

The word for Astilbe is Lovely

Earlier this year, Sue interviewed brothers Marc and Frank Rutgrink to hear them out about their new label: Lovely Astilbe. In her article she tells more about the emergence of Rutgrink as Astilbe breeder and the varieties. Even the growing cycle will be discussed. 

Quality is the key

It's no secret that Rutgrink guarantees quality flowers. Fully focussed on cultivating and delivering the best flowers to the florist. In this interview with Floral Fundamentals, Marc tells more about how they do this. Sue ends with some use- and care tips.   

Curious? Read the whole article here:


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