Cookie statement

Amazing Astilbe uses cookies (and similar techniques) to make a visit to and related sites easier and more personal for you. Besides, with cookies we can analyse visitors’ behavior and improve our website through the use of cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small, simple text files that remember and store your preferences while surfing on your own computer or mobile device. Other techniques used by Amazing Astilbe are JavaScripts and web beacons. Cookies and other techniques are used by nearly all existing websites and web shops.

By using cookies and other techniques we ensure, among other things, that:

  • Surfing on the Amazing Astilbe website becomes easier
  • We can measure how our website is used
  • We can measure where our website can be improved
  • We can personalise advertisements and recommendations
  • We can show or share information from social media

Cookies of third parties

Through our website cookies of third parties are also placed. The privacy and cookie policy of the company concerned applies to the use of cookies by other companies.

What cookies do we use?

Analytical cookies:

With analytical cookies we collect statistics on the use of our website, aided by third parties. For instance, we use Google Analytics and similar products to collect data on surfing behaviour. This way we can see what pages are viewed most, what operating systems are used, where visitors come from etc. By measuring the use of the website we can keep improving our website to the benefit of our website visitors.

Social media cookies:

In some places we offer the option of sharing information through social media, or showing information from social media. Social media cookies are cookies that make functionalities of social media websites possible. Think, for instance, of a YouTube video or a ‘like’ button for Facebook.

For the cookies placed by social media parties and the data they collect this way, we refer to the statements of these parties on their own websites. We recommend you consult the privacy and cookie statements below:

Advertising cookies:

By using cookies we can show advertisements on external sites. Advertising networks, such as Google AdWords and Google AdSense, that advertise on external sites, can place cookies on your computer. Sometimes a web beacon or pixel is placed in such content, which monitors how often the promotional content has been viewed or clicked. We can combine the information from these advertisement cookies to be able to make relevant offers about our services or products using personalised advertising or remind you of services or products you viewed.

For the cookies placed by parties for advertising purposes we refer to the statements on the websites of these parties. As statements may change regularly, we recommend you consult these privacy and cookie statements regularly:

Functional or necessary cookies:

Functional or necessary cookies help the website of Amazing Astilbe to function properly, including storage of browser settings, so you can see our website optimally on your screen. Cookies are also used to store preferences.

Removing or disabling cookies

If you don’t want websites to store cookies on your computer, you can adjust your browser settings, You then get a warning before cookies are placed.

You can also adjust your settings in such a way that the browser will refuse all cookies or only the cookies of third parties. You can also remove cookies that have already been placed. If necessary, consult the help function of your browser: Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Edge, Safari. Disabling cookies only has consequences for the computer and the browser on which you perform this action. If you turn the cookies off, the experience of the website might not be optimal.

The privacy policy of Amazing Astilbe

With the use of some cookies personal data is processed as well. In our privacy policy you will find more information on the way Amazing Astilbe handles your data.

Subject to modifications

This cookie policy was last changed on May 16, 2018. Amazing Astilbe reserves the right to modify this cookie policy. We will adjust our statements when our website or the rules concerning cookies change. You can consult the latest version of this cookie policy by clicking on the link to the cookie policy of at the bottom of each page.

Cookie overview

Wich company places the cookie
Name cookie
Storage period
Purpose cookie
Amazing Astilbe _ga (3x), up to 2 years Analytical purposes
Amazing Astilbe _gat_<property-id> up to 1 day Analytical purposes
Amazing Astilbe _gid (2x) up to 1 day Analytical purposes
Amazing Astilbe _utma up to 2 years Analytical purposes
Amazing Astilbe _utmb, utmc until end of session Analytical purposes
Amazing Astilbe _utmz up to 6 months Analytical purposes
Google _gmb_ga_test up to 2 years Analytical purposes
Google NID, PREF up to 2 years Social media purposes
Facebook datr, locale up to 2 years Social media purposes
APISID, SAPISD, SID, SSID, YSC, _ga, enabledapps.uploader up to 2 years Social media purposes
Pinterest pnodepath, _b, _pinterest_cm,
_pinterest_pfob, _auth, _pinterest_sess,
_gid, _ga up to 10 years Social media purposes
Facebook fr, c_user up to 3 months Social media and personalization purposes
Facebook lu, xs, s, act, _actsc, csm, pl, tr,
m_pixel_ratio, presence up to 2 years Social media and advertisement purposes
SIDCC, SSID, HSID up to 2 years Social media purposes
Google CONSENT up to 20 years Social media purposes